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Discipline Plan

Classroom Discipline Plan


The following classroom discipline plan has been developed in order to provide students with the excellent educational climate they deserve.  The plan will be in effect at all times during school hours.


  1. NEVER HURT A FRIEND.  This means keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself and no name calling or making fun of others.  RESPECT others at all times.

  2. LISTEN when the teacher is speaking.

  3. Raise your hand when you wish to speak.

  4. Walk in the classroom and in the halls.

  5. Talk only when it is your turn.

  6. Follow the directions the first time when asked.

  7. ALWAYS give your best effort!


Consequences of behavior:

If a student chooses to break a rule:

1st time: Warning!  Child stays on the green star.

2nd time:  Child goes from green to yellow star.  This means stop the behavior immediately.  The student receives a five-minute time out at recess.

3rd time:  Child goes card from yellow to red.  This results in a ten-minute time out and a note home.  The note should be returned the next day.

** If a child’s inappropriate behavior continues to disrupt the class the parents will be contacted and a trip to the office is probable.

Positive Reinforcement:

If a student chooses to behave appropriately, he/she will earn positive rewards such as verbal praises, stickers, positive notes and caught being goods.


Each day each child starts with a “clean slate.”


It is your child’s best interest that the parents and educators work together with the regard to your child’s education.  This plan will be discussed daily in class the first month of school and thereafter when the need arises.  Please discuss this plan with your child.  Your support is needed and is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

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